
Scientific publications

Citizen science with small sensor networks. Collaboration between a Dutch EPA (RIVM) and local initiatives.
By:  Volten, H., Devilee,J., Apituley, A., Carton, L.J., Grothe, M., Keller, C., Kresin, F., Land-Zandstra, A., Noordijk, E., Putten, E. van; Rietjes, J., Snik, F., Tielemans, E., Vonk, J.; Voogt, M. Published in: Bonn, A., Hecker, S., Haklay, M. (ed), ECSA book 2016: Citizen Science, Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy, Berlin.

Smart emission: Building a spatial data infrastructure for an environmental citizen sensor network By: Grothe, M., Broecke, J. van den; Carton, L.J., Volten, H., Kieboom, R. in: Jirka, S., Stasch, C., Hitchcock, A. (ed), Proceedings of the Geospatial Sensor Webs Conference 2016 (GSW 2016), Muenster, Germany, August 29-31, 2016. pp. 1-7.   

Citizen-sensor-networks to confront government decision-makers: Two lessons from the Netherlands,  (link to open access preprint version),By: Carton, L.J., Ache, P. in Journal of Environmental Management (JEMA), Vol 196 (2017), pp. 234-251. 

Setup pilot Smart Emission, proof of concept citizen-sensor-network in the city of Nijmegen, Paper presented to Aesop conference, Association of European Planning Schools, Prague 14 juli 2015 (pdf, 2.1 MB) Full paper about ‘Empowering citizen-sensor-networks for participatory monitoring and planning for a responsible distribution of urban air quality’ [Filling the feedback gap] 


Publications Open Data


Sensor Data

Reports, Presentations and News Articles about the project


Artikelen over het project


Het project beschreven in het tijdschrift NSM in januari 2016, een tijdschrift van de Radboud Universiteit, toen het burgerparticipatieproject net was gestart:



Slotbijeenkomst ter afsluiting pilot op 26 januari 2017:


Verslagen van bijeenkomsten:


Rapporten: Scripties en stageverslagen